Daily Tarot

by KaApps



Welcome to our special Tarot prediction cards application!What is that?Tarot cards is the special card deck for fortune-telling, used by professional astrologists for life predictions. Originally they appeared in the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe (Italian tarocchini, French tarot, and Austrian Königrufen), but today in the XVIII century, Tarot cards are used for divination, due to their quite successful ability to predict the future.Cards themselves are separated into two distinct groups: Major and Minor Arcana. Difference between them is in original drawings and unique names. The order of cards and names in different versions of the Tarot deck may differ slightly too.Tarot life predictions are attributed to the ability to explain and foresee the course of events, explain the hidden causes of events and the motives of peoples actions, and, in genera, predict the results of efforts in one direction or another. Process of creating prediction is simple:1) Person chooses a question, for which he or she needs an answer.2) Astrologist takes cards on by one and lays them down in front of the person.3) When specific number of cards is laid out, symbols and images on them create an answer to the questionIn the new, modern age you really don’t need to go to an astrologist for a prediction, you can get your tarot destiny forecast in a few clicks with our unique application.We have different types of Tarot predictions, from daily tarot readings to whole year.Horoscopes and divination become especially relevant at the beginning of periods (week, month, year), when people are in anticipation of positive life changes. However, daily tarot can be no less useful.Tarot cards, free for use, easy-access application with unique design – all in one, only for you, Enjoy!